Nonprofit Services

I help grant seekers write compelling proposals.

Nonprofits provide tremendous value to the community - capitalizing on opportunities and meeting needs for the greater good. But they are a challenge to run - requiring passion, perseverance, legal and technical knowledge, and funds. If you are in the early stages of developing a new idea or project, it’s worth exploring what it takes to make it a reality.

Your biggest question might be, “How do I get a grant?”

Talk with me more about your aspirations and we can explore if you are ready to solicit grants.

So, you are ready to apply for grants.

Maybe you already know how to, but don’t have the staff time to do it…

Maybe you aren’t sure how to start, and want help…

We can discuss what make the most sense - retainer or project-basis.

What does an engagement look like?

  1. Set up a free, 30 minute call with me to discuss your granting goals. Come prepared with a list of your current grants as well as potential future grants.

  2. I’ll prepare a proposal based on your grant writing scope, including timeframes, plans, and pricing.

  3. Let’s discuss the proposal. As a freelancer, you pay me to deliver value, on time, every time.

What are my guiding values?

My values will guide my approach to helping you. Read more below to see if our values are in alignment.

  • Before launching a new venture or project, it’s worth considering, who else can you partner with or learn from? Collaboration makes us stronger and avoids duplication.

  • Imagine new ways things could be done, how things could be better, value knowledge, and never stop learning. Your non-profit can be creative, and you can spark innovation.

  • Everyone has their own gifts and limitations, and this is good - it drives us to work together. We cannot solve all the world’s problems, but we must do our small part. We might not be able to “solve” a problem, but we can address an opportunity or need. We should value our own contribution, the contribution of our team, and the voices of the people we serve.

  • Solutions should be based on academically-sound research when available, rather than what is most popular or conventional. Effective community work considers sound principles of development, relief, and rehabilitation, and aware of how to assess impact.

  • Take time to reflect on the good - your accomplishments, your unique role, and the accomplishments of others. Celebrate, and allow for rest. Celebrate the community you serve! There is much to be thankful for when we see life through a lens of abundance rather than lack.