I provide project management and implementation to optimize processes and create content, utilizing a cross-functional approach to working with teams, contractors, and leadership.

Current and Past Clients:


  • Co-create onboarding materials and program for new hires and contractors.

  • Create customized granting processes to right-size niche application needs, while providing sufficient information for grantor due diligence and reporting needs.

  • Creation of pre-grant worksheets.


  • Work together with consultants and in-house team in organization-wide Salesforce overhaul to provide project management and guidance representing multiple stakeholder perspectives and needs.

  • Create Salesforce reports, dashboards, and custom delivery to meet informational needs of stakeholders. Assure data integrity and usefulness for a variety of needs - tax preparation, budgeting, and programmatic reports.

  • Work collaboratively to restructure and revamp organizational file storage, naming, and content governance.


  • Produce an Annual Report for a private foundation. Upgraded from a primarily text and chart format to a format rich with visuals and new types of strategic content.

  • Compile and write periodic newsletters for a private foundation, publishing them in an online format.

  • Create organization-wide glossary and style guide.


  • Train teams and new hires in new processes, systems, and onboarding.

I help businesses with as-needed projects, though I’m most passionate about developing healthy cultures aligned with business values, people, and processes.

Current and past clients:

  • Mentoring under an established consultant in the use of the Predictive Index and other tools for Team Development in a business setting.

  • Subcontracting to conduct research and co-author an investment thesis. The thesis utilized an interdisciplinary approach to a complex investment opportunity for a trillion-dollar company.

  • Website design for a travel/tourism project. https://www.sceniccitybackroads.net/

I believe in supporting local nonprofits to be healthier, more resilient, and grant-ready.

Current and past clients:

  • Grant writing for local nonprofits for a variety of funders (private foundation, family foundation, federal, nonprofit).

Things I’m reading, learning, and pursuing.