Philanthropy Services

System design, process design, and grants management for grant makers.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25

Do you need help structuring your giving?

By integrating business analytics, knowledge management, and human-centered design I can help you solve your grantmaking puzzles.

Do you need to curate a RFP, customize a grant application, develop supporting materials and pre-grant worksheets, or need help with grants management?

  • Do you need help with your process flow?

    What is the best way to collect all of the information your stakeholders need?

    How should you structure your intake, vetting, and approval process?

  • What information do you need?

    How much is too little?

    How much is too much?

    Let's craft an application that gathers the right information in the right way.

  • Provide grant seekers with clear and concise information. Value grant seekers' time by providing them with everything they need for the application.

    Let me help create pre-grant worksheets, attachment templates, strategy documents, etc.

  • Dashboards and reports can be used for tracking grant making.

    Let's assess what you need for visualizing and tracking your work.

  • Institutional knowledge can become unwieldy. Maintaining process documentation, establishing procedures for grant making, and storing shared organizational knowledge.

    Utilizing knowledge management principles I can help you make sure the right people have access to the right information at the right time.

  • I can help with grants management on an as needed basis.

    This can include: intake, due diligence, processing, payment, and collecting reports.

I can walk alongside you for a short-term engagement, or in a long-term capacity depending on your wishes and needs.

What does an engagement look like?

  1. Set up a free, 30 minute call with me to discuss your challenges and goals.

  2. I’ll prepare a proposal based on your needs, including timeframes, plans, and pricing.

  3. Let’s discuss the proposal and make amendments as needed. As a freelancer, you pay me to deliver value.

One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Proverbs 11:24

Free Food for Thought. Checkout my blog.

What are my philanthropic values?

My values guide my approach to helping clients.

Read more to see if our values align.

  • Philanthropic joy and effectiveness can be enhanced by pursuing intentional collaboration with other funders, the grantee, and your family or community.

  • Imagine new ways things could be done, how things could be better, value knowledge, and never stop learning. Your philanthropy can be creative, and you can spark innovation.

  • Everyone has their own gifts and limitations, and this is good - it drives us to work together. We cannot solve all the world’s problems, but we must do our small part. Money rarely (if ever) “solves” a problem, but it does address an opportunity or need. Both funders and grantees have specific roles - both distinct, yet both with dignity.

  • Solutions should be based on academically-sound research when available, rather than what is most popular or conventional. Effective philanthropy considers sound principles of development, relief, and rehabilitation. It is aware of how to assess impact. And often, philanthropists are not the SME’s but cede expertise to those grantees who are.

  • Take time to reflect on the good - your accomplishments, your unique role, and the accomplishments of others. Celebrate, and allow for rest. Celebrate your grantees. Celebrate the joy that comes with being generous!